Well, this year's chase trip is in the books - or blog as it may be - and our lives will now resume their normal flow. The car has been dropped off, 8600 driven miles was the finally tally, and I am home relaxing before I sleep for the rest of the day. This trip was definitely one that stands out over the past 4 years I have been chasing. As a team, I think we have come a long way in our forecasting and planning; most every target location was correct, the storms we intercepted were consistently the best of the day, and when something did happen we were ready. The tornado we saw in southeast Colorado will be hard to top in this lifetime, and I can honestly say that it was the most awesome event I have ever watched. Coupled with a couple of the beautifully structured cells we witnessed, this year was an undeniable success.
I would like to thank Chris and Neil and Greg again for lending their meteorological knowledge and expertise, Nate for letting us crash at his place in Kansas City at the end of the trip, and to all of the people who have followed the blog and seemed truly interested in our endeavors.
Until next year...